Ad Formats
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An ad in the form of a TGB has the following format requirements:
Image: 128x128, format webp/jpeg/png, size up to 50kb
Title: up to 30 characters
Description: up to 60 characters
Link: any length (we recommend using UTM tags and other methods to track the traffic received through it)
An ad in the form of a Fullscreen banner has the following format requirements:
Image: 300x250, format webp/jpeg/png, size up to 200kb
Title: up to 60 characters
Link: any length (we recommend using UTM tags and other methods to track the traffic received through it)
Our ad widget inserts the content of the ads into the part of the code specified by the publisher. This can be a component on the screen, a popup window, or another design solution – in all cases, we insert the content, and the placement method is implemented on the publisher's side.