Launch Ad
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Last updated
Fill in your registration details on the website:
You can find all about available formats and examples here. For now, the TGB ad format is available for advertisers.
Click the "Create Ad" in your advertiser’s dashboard:
Upload an image and fill in the ad details:
Provide a destination URL, select the ad category, set your base CPC, and define any necessary campaign limits:
Choose your targeting options. Each targeting parameter has its own coefficient that affects the final CPC used in the auction:
Finally click "Create Ad" and top up your balance. We recommend starting with a minimum budget of $1,000.
After creating, the ad will then be submitted for moderation. It initially appears on the dashboard with a "Review" status. Once it passes moderation, its status changes to "Hold". At that point, you must manually launch the ad from the dashboard:
You can update your ad settings at any time. Changing the creative or category sends it back to moderation. Adjusting CPC or targeting does not require re-approval — just save your changes, and the campaign continues with the updated parameters.