Embed Widget
After selecting the placement method and creating the widget in your account, embed the widget code into your app. You can integrate multiple widgets into a single app.
Integrate the tads.me ad widget using either the React package or native JavaScript with following instructions.
We give default CSS classes for images, titles, and description.
If any styles need to be changed to fit the appearance of the ad into the application's design, these styles are set in the application's code by the publisher. The classes and markup of the ad block are always fixed, so it will be sufficient to simply add styles to the corresponding classes in the page's code. The class names can be viewed in the code itself.
The number of ads shown in a widget is set when creating the widget in the ad network. You don’t have to specify this every time; it’s configured once in the widget’s settings. In the future, you’ll be able to manage this directly in your publisher dashboard.
Last updated