Advertiser — a person or company who creates and pays for ads to promote products, services, or content.
Publisher — a person or company who integrates ads into their app, earning revenue from user interactions with ads.
General Settings
URL — the web address of Telegram Mini App.
Category - the subject of the ad. Advertisers select a category for their ads, while publishers set restrictions on which categories are allowed in their widgets.
Country — a geographic location used for ad targeting, specified by the user’s region.
Locales — users language, used to target ads during ad creation.
Platform — environments where advertisements are displayed, such as iOS, Android, and web.
Budget — the amount of money allocated for running ad campaigns over a full period.
USD₮ — Tether (USD₮) is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar exchange rate in a 1:1 ratio, used to simplify cryptocurrency trading and minimize volatility.
Clicks — the number of times users interact with an ad by selecting it.
Impressions — the number of times an ad is displayed to users.
CTR (Click-Through Rate) — the percentage of impressions that result in clicks (Clicks/Impressions * 100).
CPC (Cost Per Click) — a pricing model where the advertiser pays each time a user clicks an ad.
CPM (Cost Per Mille) — a pricing model where the advertiser pays per thousand impressions.
Site - Telegram Mini App where ads are placed.
Widget — an ad unit integrated into an app, used to display one or more ads to users.
Last updated